CX Review

In our CX Review, we will examine your current Customer Experience (offline and online) and identify challenges and opportunities to create better experiences for your customers, employees, and other stakeholders. Internal reviews tend to favour the work already done (sunk-cost fallacy) rather than truly considering what works best for the people involved.
Waking the Fallen

Between January 2015 and February 2017, I, Erik Ingvoldstad through my (now personal) company Acoustic group wrote a regular blog on digital transformation, marketing, media and strategy. At some point it all got lost, and the blog has been dead for years. Well, as of today, I have brought it back from the dead. I […]
Innovating at the Speed of Life

Most companies are pretty good at developing their products and services to offer new features and new ways to engage the customer. But innovation on a grander level seems to be more complicated, and rarely gets the funding, the manpower and the senior management attention it deserves. Very few are able to change their business […]
Burn, baby, burn!

Hitting the reset button on the ad industry. The self-proclaimed “creative industry” is shaking at its foundation. Everything is changing around them, but the advertising agencies themselves seem to refuse to take any part in the transformation that is going on. Clients are challenging them to be more efficient, more accountable and more creative – […]
Fewer reports, more problem-solving ideas

Many people and companies get a bit uncomfortable with the ideas of management consultants and other business development consultancies. It’s understandable. I mean, most consultants produce reports, not actual solutions. That may have been a great thing in the last millennium, but in the current age, we don’t need just analysis and potential scenarios. We […]
Independence Day

The big consultancies are gathering more and more power. They have quickly branched out from the core business of management consulting, IT consulting, accounting etc., to take on Digital Transformation, customer experience and now even creative communication services. And at first glance, this can sound like a good idea for clients. They can get everything […]